Community Church of Sebastopol

March 26, 2025

United Church of Christ

Putting our Faith into Action

1000 Gravenstein Hwy North       707.823.2484

Mission & Outreach

The committee for Mission & Outreach meets on the second Monday of the month at 7 pm in the Fireside Room, January through May and then again August through December. The group does not meet during the months of June and July, but outreach activities continue year-round. You may contact our Mission & Outreach team by email:

Bag Lunch Preparation

Bag lunches for the homeless & hungry are prepared Mon - Thu, 10:30 a.m. to noon, by Sebastopol Christian Church and we are happy to report we have volunteers from the Community Church to aid in that project. If you are looking for a way to volunteer, check in with Mission & Outreach - send us an email!

Sebastopol Christian Church also provides breakfast Mon - Thu, 7:30 - 10:30 a.m., and showers, Mon - Thu, 8:00 to 10:30 a.m.

Rapid Response

Rapid responses in support of people targeted by ICE raids include serving on an Accompaniment Team or as a Legal Observer. Trained teams from Community Church are forming and you are invited to join. Contact Joyce Cox to learn or or the church office at 707.823.2484.

Help for those without shelter

Our Mission & Outreach team has spearheaded a number of services that members of the Community Church have continued to provide through their volunteer efforts and donations. As the homeless population in Sebastopol has grown, so has the involvement of our church in serving our neighbors in need. An average of 15 requests for help are received each week.

We are able to help with:

  • Showers, with a clean towel, soap and shampoo (temporarily suspended)
  • Bus tickets on Sonoma County Transit
  • Warm jackets, sleeping bags as available
  • Warm socks, underwear for men
  • Snack bags
  • Hot meals served at our 2nd Saturday Lunch

Check out these outreach services: Homeless Support; Food Pantry; Mission Trips and more listed below:

Alternative Gifts - give the gift of hope

The Alternative Gifts International is a collection of gifts to donate products or services to a specific cause. When you make a purchase from the Alternative Gifts catalog, you receive a gift card to present, explaining about the alternative gift you have purchased in your recipient's name. Through your Alternative Gifts purchase you can honor your gift recipient by giving someone in desperate need a flock of chickens, eye surgery, a month of care for an orphan or clean water and more. Choose from a multitude of wonderful and helpful gifts that will be truly appreciated. Mission & Outreach will have catalogs available this Christmas so you can give the gift of hope – a gift that can change a life! Shop from home and save gas - give from the Alternative Gifts International catalog.

Alternative Gifts International catalogs are available in the church entry and the church office. Pick up yours today!

ShoeBox Ministry

The Mission & Outreach Board is once again sponsoring the Christmas Tree as well as the Shoebox Ministry – shoeboxes will be filled with items suitable for both men and women.

Christmas Tree

Shoeboxes will be available for you to pick up on the 1st Sunday of Advent, December 2nd, following worship. The shoeboxes can be filled with necessities for a homeless person. A list of items to purchase is located in each box. The box should be wrapped in Christmas paper and placed under the Christmas tree in the narthex. After December 16th members of the Mission & Outreach Committee will deliver the gifts to the Homeless Services Center in Santa Rosa.

Our Shoebox Ministry gifts can be an important part in the life of a homeless person. Please fill your shoebox generously using “regular” size products (not “sample” sizes). It is important to stick to the list and include all the items as these gifts are opened in a group setting.

Our tree will be also be decorated – the Mission and Outreach Committee is working on what those decorations will be. Stay tuned for future announcements!

Sewing machines in Zambia

Our Mission and Outreach team worked together with Erin Butterfield to send funds for sewing machines to a community in Zambia. Erin writes with an update:

Hi all,

Firstly, I want to thank you so much for your generosity and commitment to this project. One electronic sewing machine and one foot operated sewing machine have been purchased by the school in my village in Zambia. The PTA and community agreed to contribute the supplies to the project if the school purchased the machines. I have not yet received pictures of the supplies for pad making, but I have received confirmation that they've been procured. This is amazing and it's going to make a huge difference for the girls and women in the community!!

Below are some excerpts from various people who have been in contact with me throughout this project:

  • The rural girl child will improve their livelihood and it will be a milestone for this school.
  • Thank you for your caring and support always manifested to this school. Your usual cooperation and support is highly appreciated dearest teacher of all seasons. We appreciate your church and your community in California and thank God for them.
  • Thank you so much for this gesture extended to us and we are assured of your love and passion you and your church in America have for this school community and general community and we will go as discussed and planned.
  • Keep it up and May God the Almighty continue to be blessing you and your family and church goers in all daily endeavors. Thank you so much Ba Erin, may God the Almighty Father reward, compensate and reward you positively dearest teacher.

They are clearly very blessed and grateful! Thank you so much again, and stay in touch!!

With gratitude,


Eye glasses collection

Eye glasses that are no longer suitable for your wear can make a world of difference in someone else's life. Donating your old eyeglasses can save someone in a developing nation from unemployment - recycled eyeglasses can be the difference between a blacksmith continuing his work or closing up shop, or the factor that enables a woman to support herself by doing embroidery rather than becoming destitute. Glasses can be dropped off at the church at any time - look for the collection box in the church entry. Hearing aids that are no longer in use are also a welcome donation.