What to Expect at The Community Church

Thanks for checking out the Community Church of Sebastopol - you probably have many questions, we try to answer some of them here. Please contact us with any other questions you may have.
We are located at 1000 Gravenstein Hwy North in Sebastopol. Here you can find a map and detailed directions.
As you turn onto Danmar Drive off of Gravenstein Hwy, we have a large parking lot immediately to the right. Or you can turn left into the church campus for handicap parking and additional parking closer to the church buildings.
Please come as you are! You will find everything from the occasional suit and tie to jeans and flip flops.
We are an “Open & Affirming” congregation which means no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. We are committed to welcoming and affirming people of every religious background, family composition, sexual orientation, physical and mental ability, ethnicity, age, and gender identity and expression.
Yes! Childcare for the pre-school crowd up to Kindergarten is provided during worship services, and all other church events. More details here...
Yes! We have multi-generational worship. The Worship Tools Table at the back of the church has worship bulletins for children and other activities to help enhance children's worship experience. Read more here...
Yes! During the school year, our Faith Formation hour is from 9 am -10:15 am. Godly Play is offered for children ages 4 through 5th grade. Middle School children are invited to Youth Group. Read more here...
Sunday mornings at 9:00-10:15 before church, adults gather for coffee and lively discussion of the scripture for that day's sermon. Read more here...
We believe in extravagant welcome… no matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. No matter what you believe or don't believe, no matter what what you may be struggling with, no matter where you are, you are welcome here.
Our music is mostly traditional, but with a twist. Congregational singing is led primarily with piano, but sometimes with organ or even guitar. Our Chancel Choir sings a variety of genres in a variety of languages, from American gospel to Ukrainian classical. Our Handbell Ensemble players constantly challenge themselves to present pieces that are uplifting and profound. Youth Ensembles and Children’s Choirs share music during the seasons of Advent and Lent. Over the summer, soloists and small ensembles share music from sacred and popular sources. Read more about the music program here.
Headsets with adjustable volume are available that are connected to our sound system. Check with an usher when you come in for worship.
Yes. Handicapped parking is available, and all facilities are on ground-level.